Stephen Tebo

Stephen Tebo and his wife Tatiana

Stephen Tebo’s wife Tatiana

Stephen Tebo’s wife Tatiana
Stephen Tebo’s wife Tatiana


Stephen Tebo meet his wife, Tatiana

Our story begins on May 22, 2017. The elegant Encore Hotel’s XS Lounge is filled with hundreds of movers and shakers, blowing off steam after a full day of networking at the biggest commercial real estate convention that Las Vegas hosts. Stephen is mingling with connections alongside his son, Brad, when he spots Tatiana enter the room.

“Wow,” Stephen thinks, “she is stunning!” He then spies the gentleman accompanying her as she makes her way through the club, “but it looks like she is off limits,” he notes to himself. 

Tatiana mingles alongside her friend and companion for the evening. As her eyes sweep the room she sees him. A handsome man standing in the distance, looking right at her! The crowd parts and something magical happens – Tatiana and Stephen lock eyes for the first time. A moment, a look, that reverberates through time.

Tatiana is compelled to say hello to this captivating gentleman who has clearly made her his focus, but she never makes the first move. “Well, this is a business event,” she reasons to herself, justifying each step across the room. She just has to meet the man whose wisdom-filled eyes and charisma has captured her attention so thoroughly. 

Pleasantries are exchanged, and in that very conversation the two star-crossed lovers make a real connection. They swap business cards and secret hopes of a future connection. They bid each other adieu and move on, with the whispers of a future rendezvous lingering in their minds. 

“One day I’ll invite you to join Tatiana and me for breakfast in Boulder,” Stephen winks to Brad as she disappears in the crowd.
“Good luck with that, Dad!” Brad says playfully.

The next day is a bright and sunny May day. Tatiana prepares to step on the tarmac, heading back to her hometown, when her phone buzzes. She spies a text from Stephen, inquiring about her day’s plans. 

“I’m on my way home to Chicago,” she messages back. 
“Why don’t you stop through Boulder on your way to Chicago?” he quips. 
“Why don’t you stop through Chicago on your way to Boulder,” she retorts.

With such natural chemistry, it is obvious that a future meeting is in the cards. After some back and forth – as busy calendars and travel plans are compared – Tatiana agrees to fly to Boulder on June 7. Stephen organizes their first date, a welcome party for her. Things continue to go smoothly, and on a beautiful July morning, Stephen invites Brad and his family to join him and Tatiana for that breakfast he spoke of all those months ago. The group shares a memorable breakfast picnic by the Boulder Creek. 

After three years of happy and joyous times together, and some painful time apart, the happy couple realizes how much they love each other. It is July 2020, and after a heart-wrenching breakup on their third anniversary, Stephen decides to ‘make it right.’ There is talk of an engagement. Stephen suggests that New York in December is the opportune time for ring-picking. Tatiana, slightly crestfallen, says she prefers her birthday month of October. They seem to come to an agreement, though little does Tatiana know that plans are already in motion.

Fast forward to August 22, 2020. The couple finds themselves celebrating Stephen’s birthday in Florida on a dear friend’s newly purchased 114’ sailboat. After an hour of sailing near Ft. Lauderdale, Stephen steals Tatiana away to the bow, and shares his gratitude that she is there with him to celebrate his birthday. 

“This is a beautiful way to celebrate and I feel very lucky to be here with you!” she says.

“I love you, and I am grateful that you are here with me. I want to celebrate every birthday with you from now on,” he says. With that, he takes out a delicate box from his pocket. 

“Will you marry me?”

Stars swirl and her heart swells. Could she be hearing what she was hearing? All her hopes and dreams coming true with four little words? She remains a bit stunned and tries to come to grips with what is actually happening.

“I asked you a question,” he repeats firmly. “Will you marry me!?”

“Of course I’ll marry you!” she exclaims, as she collects her wits. “I love you and I don’t want to miss any more of your birthdays. It is my dream to be with you and celebrate every one of your special moments from now on!”